SHP Health

Dynamic Pilates: Gentle moderate (Recorded content)
with Helen Barcellona


December 29 (Wednesday)
at 10:00

Class length
60 minutes

Class type

Class description: This is a gentle/moderate intensity Dynamic Pilates class with Helen (Chartered Physiotherapist and fully accredited Pilates Instructor). Modified Pilates combined with a functional approach to strengthening, mobility, conditioning and balance. In standing and on the mat; occasionally standing work includes a gentle aerobic challenge.

Class cost: Free of charge - pre-booking via Punchpass required. 

Class instructions: This class is a pre-recorded class and by reserving your spot on the class you will have access to the recording from the start date/time show for the rest of that day.

To access the class:
  • Sign into your account on Punchpass on the date/time of the recording schedule.
  • Click on ‘My Reservations’ – located at the top right of the screen.
  • Click on the Class Name within the pop up box.
  • This should then display the video and you can press play to start.


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
